CalWorkSafety & HR recognizes that for many California employers, the challenges of successfully managing the Human Resources function are often too complex and burdensome to maintain on their own. Whether your business has five, or hundreds of employees, there are a variety of legal requirements and HR practices which can impact your workforce, especially in California.
The Human Resources and Labor Attorneys at CalWorkSafety & HR often work with those who shoulder HR responsibilities out of practicality, not necessarily a desire to perform the HR functions. Our clients are most often Business Owners, Controllers, Office Managers, Administrative Support positions, HR-Department-of-One, and front-line Managers. Partnering with CalWorkSafety & HR allows employers to leverage our human resource and legal expertise with practical application. With years of experience in Human Resources and the law, we have a passion for Human Resources so that you don’t have to. By providing expert yet understandable advice and guidance, we empower our clients to focus on other priorities such as running their business.
HR Consulting and General HR
- Employee Relations
- Employee Handbooks – review, update or create
- Wage and Hour Review
- Employment Policies
- Wage and hour compliance (how to properly pay employees, all forms of Compensation and Benefits)
- Leaves of Absence
- Disability Management and the interactive process
- Employee Files
- Performance Reviews
- Human Resource Audits
- Job Descriptions
- Mandatory Sick Time
- Form I-9 compliance and audits
- Recruiting and Hiring
- Interview Questions, Background Checks, Offer Letters
- California’s Required New Hire Packet
- Disciplinary Action
- DisciplinaryTerminations
- How to Properly Exit Employees, Exit Interviews, California Final Pay
- Employment Compliance Posters (Provided for free to clients)
- Human Resource/Compliance Audits
- Performance Management
- Discrimination Avoidance and Defence
- Classifying Employee vs Independent Contractors
- Job Analysis/Job Descriptions
- Orientation / On Boarding Employees
- Supervisor & Management Development and Training
- FLSA Exempt Status Audit
- Unemployment Claims Management (including Workshare coordination)
- HR Department Set Up/Orientation
- Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy
- Spanish translations of HR documents, policies and training
- Reasonable Cause Drug Testing Protocols
- Custom HR Projects
Contact Us Today!
CalWorkSafety & HR is the leading authority in Workplace Safety, Workers’ Compensation, Cal/OSHA and Human Resources Solutions.