In working with a number of clients, we have seen problems caused by employees claiming a work injury due to pain and not recovering – increasing the cost of workers’ comp claims. We have also seen employees with “stress” claims or behavior which causes problems for the work force or even indicate potential workers’ comp. claims.
We are very pleased to announce two additional programs now available to our clients to help with employee performance or injury/illness issues. These innovative programs assist you to successfully prevent or resolve employee performance or injury issues by helping you effectively deal with physical, emotional, or behavioral complications. And – as an incentive for you to use this program, our firm CalWorkSafety LLC – will pay for the first office visit under either our Next Level Chiropractic Program, or Mental Health and Cognitive Behavior Therapy provided by Kinsugi Mind Spa in Laguna Hills, CA.
All CalWorkSafety Existing Clients Can Take Advantage of These New Programs for Their Employees:
Next Level Chiropractic Program:
Treatment for pain, strains and sprains and other muscular-skeletal concerns. The pain experienced may be long-standing and accumulated wear and tear of life and very often is not caused by a work injury. But the pain still affects job performance. The main Chiropractic office is in Irvine but there are participating offices throughout the LA area.
- Evaluate – understand – help – find issues
causing pain
- Often it is discovered that it is work related
injury but not Worker’s Comp status
Fitness for Duty:
A Mental Health assistance evaluation and therapy:
- Cognitive Behavioral Training – Seek therapy designed to:
- Help identify and evaluate stress and/or behavioral issues
- Help determine the origin of behavioral issues which may not be workplace based
- Can often get employee back to work (after 3-4 sessions)
These services are not part of a workers’ compensation claim, and our providers are not Primary Treating Physicians – which means there is no report to your workers’ compensation insurer or CA Dept. of Work Comp. And, since this isn’t Worker’s Comp treatment, it has no impact on XMOD. Retainer clients will not be charged for the initial visit; but if follow-up visits are needed, the employer must decide if they will provide and pay for such additional services.
The goal is to benefit employers by helping employees return to work and do their job. Companies which have used a resource such as this have found it lowered the cost of a workers’ compensation claim where behavior, attitude or stress is involved, by 50%.
Help identify and solve employee problems without going through Workers’ comp, experience minimal hassle and provide employees help – whether physical, emotional, or behavioral. These services can also be very important in dealing with the interactive process required by FEHA and ADA for accommodation of disabilities.
Give us a call to learn more … let’s get started.