Some of the items that the California Attorney General’s Office is looking for include, but are not limited to the following:


  1. IIPP in each language available during “relevant period”
  2. COVID-19 training materials.
  3. Company COVID-19 related training records—Workers & Supervisors
  4. Policies and Procedures –have to prohibit retaliation against workers during relevant period
  5. Any policy the Company has in effect relating sending workers home or medical care when exhibiting respiratory illness, cold, or flu-like symptoms
  6. If any, to your leave policy regarding sick workers.
  7. Any other forms of leave you allow relevant to COVID-19
  8. Any notice you provide workers about the special leave benefits under FFCRA, or CA N-51-20
  9. Policies providing for penalties for taking leave or any policies providing bonuses or incentives relating to attendance during relevant period
  10. Any policies you have for notifying workers of known or suspected COVID-19 positive cases including workers and Grower’s employees
  11. Any investigation, inquiry, citation, administrative claim relating to the company, COVID-19, and workers.
  12. Any lawsuit, claim, or other action against company relating to COVID-19 & your Workers
  13. Disputes, complaints, formal or informal received by Company from your Workers relating to COVID-19.

That the company referred to or relied on answering the Investigative Interrogatories that were served concurrently with the Investigative Subpoena.