So-California businesses have recently experienced a noticeable escalation of inspections and enforcement by Santa Ana-based Cal/OSHA’s Labor Enforcement Task Force Unit based in Santa Ana. In fact, unprecedented Hotel and Motel Labor Enforcement Task Force inspections are diligently being processed to verify whether these companies have a current:
Housekeeper Ergonomic Written Plan (MIPP)
Illness & Injury Prevention Plan (IIPP)
Hazard Communication Plan/Checkup (Dealing with Chemicals & Toxic Materials)
Many small and mid-sized So-California employers have overlooked these compliance requirements during the past several years but now must consider the strong possibility that their firm will be visited soon.
CalWorkSafety & HR provides large or small companies with comprehensive inspections – efficiently, quickly and expertly
A safety review and compliance check saves thousands of dollars in fines and citations.
So, Here’s The Big Question: ARE YOU READY?
Under the direction of the Department of Industrial Relations, The Labor Enforcement Task Force (LETF), is a coalition of state and local enforcement agencies working together to combat the underground economy, thus creating an environment where legitimate businesses can thrive. The Cal/OSHA LETF Unit, shares information and resources and conducts joint inspections throughout the state with the other agencies in the LETF.
Don Dressler – Consultant & Attorney at Law
Our Team Assists You In Reviewing Existing Practices – Then Helps You
Design Policies & Training That Is Compliant With 2022 New Laws