(Source: Cal-OSHA Reporter, Vol. 50 – March 31, 2023)
The most cited Cal/OSHA violations of 2022 have been released. Leading the list is failure to follow written safety plans, for both general industry and construction. These types of Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) violations account for 30% of all violations last year.
Watch out for these top 10 most frequently cited violations:
- IIPP not in writing, hazard inspection, accident investigation, and training
- Heat illness preventions not written at job site, and failure to provide adequate water, shade, and emergency actions
- Construction IIP
- COVID-19 prevention
- Failing to report serious injuries and fatalities
- Inadequate lock out / tag out programs and training
- Not having portable fire extinguishers inspected or readily available
- Hazard communications failing to include written plans and safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals, labeled containers, and training
- Portable ladders that are not inspected, in poor condition, and using with no training
- Failure to have adequate emergency eyewash and shower equipment
The experts at CalWorkSafety & HR specialize in compliance and inspections, as well as training in all these key areas. Contact us today for help with these matters.